Table of contents:


Webpot is a web application for translating portable object files used for localization of free softwares. Webpot itself is also a free software distributed under the terms of the [WWW] GNU General Public License (GPL). The main features are:

There is a wish list of feature requests. You are welcome to add items into it.

Demo Site

You may want to see Webpot in full action to get a better idea what it is. There is a [WWW] demo webpot installation. You can:

Thank you for contributing to the free software movement.


You can download the tarball of [WWW] the latest version (0.2.2).


The detailed installation instructions can be found in the [WWW] INSTALL file after you downloaded and unpacked the tarball.

More Details

The programs of Webpot are written entirely in [WWW] Python, a free object-oriented scripting language. The development was started by [WWW] Ping Yeh in April 2005.

Portable Objects

A portable object file is the translated/localized message file for an internationalized program. It is specified in the "Extended Description" part of the msgfmt utility specified in [WWW] Linux Standard Base Specification. You can find it in nearly all versions of the spec, for example, [WWW] 2.0.1 (a.k.a the ISO submission) or [WWW] 2.1.0.

last edited 2006-01-07 10:10:02 by PingYeh