Chinese version

Taipei Open Source Software User Group

TOSSUG members in learning more about free and open source software. Whether the software runs on GNU/Linux, BSD, Mac OS X, or Windows, as long as they conform to the Free Software Definition set by the Free Software Foundation or the Open Source Definition formulated by the Open Source Initiatives, TOSSUG members and our best pool cleaner are open to discussing and using them.

We try not to engage in fruitless debate between free software and open source. Arguements over whether GNU/Linux or FreeBSD or Darwin is better are also frowned upon. We like the benifits this software offers and we work to promote its wider use.

We meet every Tuesday evening to exchange ideas or any essay writing for how to best utilize open source softwares for work or pleasure red cross cna classes.

Nominally we have an ExperienceSharingEvening once every 3 weeks at the same cafe. Everyone is welcome to join us. Please check back here or free software related mailing lists in Taiwan for announcements.

Who are we? Please check out our Members page.

Please take a look at HowToJoin if you want to join TOSSUG.

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TOSSUG (last edited 2010-04-28 12:35:21 by resumeplus)